For Drexel University’s Web 3 class, students were randomly assigned into groups of 3-4 to produce a website based around a question. Our team received “Is Nascar a sport?”. I was paired with Eric Lauterbach and Michael Christaldi.
While we all had to contribute to the design, wireframes, and build, I planned out my team’s timelines/milestones, hosted ideation exercises, worked on point 2, looked for JS libraries to deploy, and created the base code for my teammates to use for their individual pages.
To convince viewers that Nascar is a sport through a 4 page website.
An initial exploration of the home page.
As college students, we all had varying schedules so the little time we had with each other was important for collaborative exercises, thinking sessions, and retrospectives to address backlog.
We also had some learning curves to overcome because we had just learned how to use Abstract and Github as collaboration tools for design and development. This affected version control.
Finalized style guide
Landing page for the website.
To view the working prototype, click here.
To view this project on GitHub, click here.
return to other work